One of the pseudo-projects in the lab requires looking for a particular peptide motif in genomic data. While small scale searches can be done using the web interface, the idea is to do this in a pretty comprehensive / high throughput manner, so shifting to the command line makes sense for this work. I last did this back in 2018 for some preliminary studies, so I’m going to have to re-install the software on my new computer and re-run some of those analyses. I figure I’ll write down my notes as I re-do this, so that I (and others) can use this post as a reference.
Installing BLAST+
The instructions on how to download the program can be found here. I’m on a mac, so I downloaded “ncbi-blast-2.13.0+.dmg” and double clicked and ran the package installer.
Assuming it’s been correctly installed, writing the command …
blastp -task blastp-short -query <(echo -e ">Name\nAAWLIEKGVASAEE") -db nr -remote -outfmt 1
… into the terminal should actually reveal some BLAST-specific output, rather than throw an error.
Running protein motif-specific blast searches
Type in the following into your terminal:
psiblast -phi_pattern PHI-Blast_2A_pattern.txt -db nr -remote -query <(echo -e ">Name\nGATNFSLLKQAGDVEENPGP") -max_hsps 1 -max_target_seqs 10000 -out phi_blast_output.csv -outfmt 10
Note: The above command will require having a text file specifying the pattern constraint (“PHI-Blast_2A_pattern.txt” above), which can be found here. This should yield a 25 KB file csv output, like so.
Extracting just the accession numbers
I don’t remember if there are other BLAST+ outputs that give you the full hit sequence. If so, the method I ended up taking back in 2018 would seem to be unnecessarily roundabout. But, until I figure that out, I’ll follow the old method. As you can see in the aforementioned output format, it doesn’t output the hit protein sequence, and instead just gives the accession number. Thus, the next step is using the accession number to actually figure out the protein sequence. To do this, we’ll use Entrez Direct. To install Entrez Direct, follow the instructions here. Briefly, type in the following into the terminal:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL
In order to complete the configuration process, execute the following:
echo "source ~/.bash_profile" >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=\${PATH}:/Users/kmatreyek/edirect" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
OK, now that it’s installed, here’s how I’ve used it:
First, the output file above has more info than the accession number. To have it pare down to only the accession number, I used this script, which can be run by entering the following into the terminal, assuming you have the previous output csv file somewhere in the directory with the script (can even be in other folders within that directory):
This will create a file called “3A_prot_accession_list_complete.txt” (example output file here) which will be the unique-ified list of accession numbers to give to Entrez Direct. (Uniquifying is important if you have multiple .csv outputs you wanted to compile into a single master list).
This can be fed into Entrez Direct using this shell script, which you can run by typing in:
You should now have an output file called “4A_prot_fasta.txt” with the resulting protein sequences in fasta format, like so.
Now you can search for your desired sequence (in its full protein context) within the resulting file.
To be continued…
Are there other steps in this process related to this project? Sure. Like what do you do with all of these full sequences containing the hits? Well, that’s beyond the scope of this post.